Růže Cervená z Dobrého Pastýře (Ruze)

PEDIGREE… Click HERE to see Ruze’s father, SG CHESTER EQIDIUS (BH, IPO3 5DX1/P1, Kkl1) , in obedience and HERE to watch him in defense at the 2015 Czech World Championship. The power on this male is incredible.

I can’t say enough about this amazing girl… I love her. Ruze is a rare gem, imported from the Czech Republic; she brings top sport breeding and exceptional biddability to the table, on top of impressive protection and nose work. Her temperament is incredible, being very sweet, loving and mellow until it is time to work; then her over the top drive switch kicks on. This girl loves to work, and loves to please.


Ruze is training in nose work

  • Handler Owner Trained (HOT)


More Pictures of Ruze